About J Gray


Bachelors, Computing Science

University of Alberta

Graduated May 2020. Minor in Economics. Courses taken include Intro to Software Engineering 301, Introduction to GPU Programming 398, Computer Architecture and Design 229, Algorithms I 204.



Python with Selenium and SQLite3

Retreives current prices from my local grocery store’s online store with the purpose of determining what good pricing is. Uses Depth First traversal to go through each category and sub-category to find all products. Stores all prices into a database for ease of querying.

View Github Repository

TeamWork Dashboard

React App

Web app built for University of Alberta computing science professors to easily monitor individual students performance in a group GitHub repository.


React App

Web app built for CalgaryHacks2020 hackathon with a group of 4.

View Github Repository


Android, Java, Firebase

Android application to help facilitate borrowing books from friends and strangers. This was a group project in which we were required to write extensive documentation and testing for the application. Extensive use of GitHub and Slack to help with the coordination of work between members in addition to weekly Sprint Planning and Reviews.

View Github Repository


Website built with Hugo Framework, customized theme and deployed via Netlify

Work Experience

Operations Manager, Grayco Disposal

Was in charge of leading day-to-day operations of a small team of 4 +/- 1. Ensured work was done efficiently while remaining in compliance with all contractual obligations and legal requirements. Helped prep the company for a successful sale to Waste Management